Balancing a heart centered Business with Purity

Those of us who have chosen massage therapy as an occupation probably have noticed that sometimes there is a conflicting element in charging money for something as sacred as holding space for someone's heart.

Those who know me you may also know that I specialize in a very old system of massage. Thai-Massage is an ancient practice of sacred touch. Although it is still very much massage therapy, it is also shamanic  in its application to bodywork. I say this because there is a tradition in our field where all of our merits, our skills, and our good results are from the ancestral lineage. The only reason we are able to do what we do is because of all those before us who dedicated their lives to the preservation of these beautiful massage moves. Thai-Massage is actually a yoga in which one shares one's own ability to be fully present, loving and skilled in the application of hands-on massage.  So how do I bring a professionalism and a business approach to something so precious and sacred like Thai-Massage? There is no is simple answer however the word that comes to mind is “Soft” .  Be soft. Find a balance where you are able to sustain your financial needs by charging what is acceptable in your field and also be open to offering time without the expectation of anything in return and notice how they both feel.

Generosity fuels our hearts and inspires us to feel the beauty of impermanence and the sacred moment that can be shared between two humans. When one is too generous and doesn't feel appreciated the heart shut down. So once again I would say, be soft. Be soft in your intention. Trust in the evolution of your career that is heart based and it will  not only provide for you but also nourish your soul so that your yoga is developing along with your career.

   There is a tradition in India when eating food. Noticed the beauty in your food. Notice the colors and textures and flavors on your plate. Be grateful for the journey of these plants to your plate and all it took for them to arrive onto your plate. Remember that not all have food so be generous. Make sure to share your food. This makes eating a sacred yogic act. We can apply this to all things.

Your job is a beautiful gift. You have a functioning human body that allows you to share presence and sacred touch. Notice all of the beautiful moments that help to arrive into this moment. Charge a fair price. Sometimes you will get paid more than you expected. Sometimes you'll be offering your services with an open heart and no monetary compensation. Let both of these things feel equally good. This is how we can balance our Heart centered business and purity. May we stay passionate in our field and may our bodies stay strong so we can continue to evolve and develop for as long as we choose. What a great gift to find a livelihood such as this.