Go to the Calendar for upcoming events






My vision for this internship is to offer old students or serious new students an opportunity to live at the Shala and develop in this art .

Intern would look on my calendar and pick a 30 day timeframe with classes that are of interest to them .

The tuition ( $1200) includes any classes that fall in a 30 day period. Tuition does not include food. We do have a wonderful farmers market and a community kitchen. You may have the opportunity to do some trading with farmers to bring in some food. My hope for this internship would be to just grow our family and allow the Thai student to immerse in the lifestyle and hopefully offer Love to our community through dedication and commitment to being in this sacred field.

If this sounds interesting to You we can dialogue and pick the month best suited for your evolution in the art and I can answer any concerns and questions directly.

I will be taking two interns a year only. Each intern will come one at a time and will have private lodging

We have two openings this year.

January and February

PAY for Internship upon approval

In order to be eligible to intern, you must have already taken at least one course with Ariela in the past. You also need to contact her directly and pick a month with her that would best suit your needs. Please do not register without first discussing all the details with the teacher.


1-Have you ever studied Thai-Massage? If yes, what is your level of training?

2-What is your main reason for wanting to Intern.

3-Are you comfortable with communal environments? Have you had experience living and sharing in a group environment?

4-Are you willing to develop in generosity, patience, and communication if conflicts were to arise communally?

5- Although most of us have emotional injuries due to the past events of this year, is there something you are experiencing or currently processing that could bring up grief or affect others emotionally in our time together? example: Death of a loved one, end of relationships, etc

6-Do you have any physical requirements that may need more attention during this workshop? Such as Allergies(specifically to animals) or very strict dietary needs

7- We Are requiring students to arrive healthy . If you contract Covid, you will be required to isolate. is that ok?

8- Is there anything you think Ariela should know before you commit to living with us for a month, practicing body work everyday, sharing food and living more simply than you may be used to?